Idaho Falls, Idaho - Welcome to the High Desert Photographers Camera Club
Founded in 2006, this is a social club for the mutual benefit of photographers of all skill levels and organized for pleasure, recreation, and other nonprofitable purposes. The club is dedicated to all aspects of photography. Benefits to members include many educational and learning opportunities through hosted guest speakers, outings, instruction on photographic techniques and equipment. There are monthly photo critique sessions where members can show their work and seek feedback on how to improve their skills. We try to keep our club members and followers apprised of opportunities to display and sell their work at various shows and fairs. Club costs are supported by member dues.
Meetings are 6:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Bonneville Joint School District Technology Bldg, Computer Lab or as announced. The general public is always welcome to attend meetings.
Also visit our Flickr Photo Group "High Desert Photographers" to see more member photos:

We also have a Facebook Group "High Desert Photographers Camera Club":